Switch Tabs With Keyboard: Efficient Navigation Tips

In today’s fast-paced digital world, efficiency is key. One simple way to improve your efficiency while browsing the internet is learning how to switch tabs using just your keyboard. This skill will not only save you time, but also reduce the strain on your wrist caused by constantly reaching for the mouse.

As a computer user, mastering keyboard shortcuts can enhance your overall productivity. This article will guide you through the process of navigating between browser tabs using keyboard shortcuts. By the end of it, you’ll be well-equipped to carry out this task with ease, ultimately improving your browsing experience.

Switching Tabs in Different Browsers

Google Chrome

To switch tabs in Google Chrome, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Tab: Switch to the next tab
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch to the previous tab
  • Ctrl + 1-9: Switch directly to a specific tab (1 for the first tab, 2 for the second, and so on)

Mozilla Firefox

In Mozilla Firefox, the keyboard shortcuts for switching tabs are the same as in Google Chrome:

  • Ctrl + Tab: Switch to the next tab
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch to the previous tab
  • Ctrl + 1-9: Switch directly to a specific tab (1 for the first tab, 2 for the second, and so on)

Microsoft Edge

For Microsoft Edge, use the following keyboard shortcuts to manage your tabs:

  • Ctrl + Tab: Switch to the next tab
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Switch to the previous tab
  • Ctrl + 1-9: Switch directly to a specific tab (1 for the first tab, 2 for the second, and so on)


In Safari, switch between tabs by using these keyboard shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Tab or Cmd + Shift + Right Arrow: Switch to the next tab
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Cmd + Shift + Left Arrow: Switch to the previous tab
  • Cmd + 1-9: Switch directly to a specific tab (1 for the first tab, 2 for the second, and so on)

Remember to practice these shortcuts in your browser to become proficient in switching tabs quickly using your keyboard.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Overview

In this section, we’ll cover some useful keyboard shortcuts for managing your browser tabs. They allow you to swiftly open, close, and switch between tabs, which can greatly improve your productivity and browsing experience. Make sure to pay attention to any platform-specific differences between Windows, MacOS, and other operating systems.

Platform-Specific Shortcuts

Here are the common keyboard shortcuts used to manage browser tabs on Windows and Mac:

Action Windows Shortcuts Mac Shortcuts
Open new tab Ctrl + T Command + T
Close current tab Ctrl + W Command + W
Switch to next tab Ctrl + Tab Control + Tab
Switch to previous tab Ctrl + Shift + Tab Control + Shift + Tab
Go to specific tab (1 to 9) Ctrl + (1-9) Command + (1-9)
Toggle between last used tabs Ctrl + Tab Command + ` (backtick)
Open link in new tab Ctrl + Click (or middle click) Command + Click
Move to next tab group N/A Shift + Command + Right Arrow
Move to previous tab group N/A Shift + Command + Left Arrow

Note: On Windows 10 and 11, you can use the Windows Logo Key + Tab to open the Task View and manage virtual desktops, including browser tabs.

Customize Shortcuts

If you are not satisfied with the default shortcuts or want to create custom ones, you can do so in the browser’s settings. For instance:

  • In Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, navigate to chrome://extensions/ or edge://extensions/, then click on the menu button (three dots) beside the extension and choose “Keyboard Shortcuts.”
  • In Mozilla Firefox, open the menu (hamburger icon), click “Add-ons and Themes” > “Extensions,” and then click on the gear icon to access “Manage Extension Shortcuts.”

Remember, keyboard shortcuts are an efficient way to navigate and manage your browser tabs. Whether you use Windows, MacOS, or another operating system, learning and customizing these shortcuts can greatly enhance your browsing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the keyboard shortcut for switching tabs?

To switch between open tabs using your keyboard, press Ctrl + Tab in most browsers. This will move you from your current tab to the next one, cycling through all open tabs.

How can I switch between tabs using the keyboard in Windows?

In Windows, you can also use Ctrl + Page Up or Ctrl + Page Down to switch between tabs. This works in many applications, including web browsers, Microsoft Excel, and coding editors like Visual Studio Code.

What is the Mac keyboard shortcut for tab switching in Chrome?

On a Mac, use Cmd + Option + (right arrow) or Cmd + Option + (left arrow) to switch between tabs in Chrome. This will move you between the open tabs in the browser.

How can I close a tab with the keyboard?

To close a tab using your keyboard, press Ctrl + W (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + W (Mac). This will close the currently active tab in most applications, including web browsers.

What is the keyboard command to switch apps?

To switch between different open applications using your keyboard, press Alt + Tab (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Tab (Mac). This will display a list of open applications, allowing you to cycle through them and select the one you want to switch to.

How do I navigate between tabs in different browsers using the keyboard?

While most browsers use Ctrl/Cmd + Tab as the standard shortcut for changing tabs, some browser-specific shortcuts may vary. For instance, in Safari use Cmd + Shift + (right arrow) or Cmd + Shift + (left arrow). For Opera, use Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn on Windows/Linux or Cmd + Shift + (up arrow) or Cmd + Shift + (down arrow) on Mac.